The mind is everything. What you think you become. –Buddha

Recently I had the absolute pleasure of reading The Secret and I’m telling you that for me, it was enormously life changing. I guess, to be fair, The Secret and its teachings are something I have had knowledge of for awhile but maybe I had just never learned its proper name. What I do know for sure is that it has taken me a long time to really grasp what it’s all about. But now that I’ve been clued in, I have to tell you, I feel different. Like, good different.

And I’m starting to wonder if I’m in control of a lot more than I had originally thought. (My friend, Xavier, who told me to read this book literally years ago is probably like, “Duh, I told you.”) I’m starting to wonder if all those moments I spent agonizing over things that I couldn’t have, the things that ailed me the most, and the looming anxiety about future events were all for naught. I can’t go out there and say I’m cured but I am certainly thinking differently.

One of my closest friends sent me an instagram quote about manifesting that really hit me hard this week. It spoke about how instead of manifesting money and things, we should manifest emotional wealth and mental wellness.

And I couldn’t help but wonder: how rich would I be if I never worried? How much wealth would I have if I could take control of my sadness? How prosperous would I be if I stopped looking backward and instead only stared at what was ahead of me?

What if I forgot about all the things that [I thought] could have been? Moved on from those chances [I thought] I may have missed? What if I forgave all the men who hurt me and literally just put all the history to bed? How about if I put away all the snatchy comments from people that I no longer communicate with? What if I let it all go and made space for newer, much better things? What if I made a conscious effort to learn from the moments and then let them go?

Because as indulging as it is to think about my past love affairs, boyfriends, chaotic arguments, and friends, what good is it doing me? Those problems, things and people are long gone; I no longer need them in this moment. I am here and they are back there.

They are behind me now. They have their own path to follow and so do I.

A man sees in the world what he carries in his heart. –Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

For awhile, I think the people closest to me started to think I was crazy or going through some weird, culty change. After all, we all know how addictive my personality can be. Every time I would say, “You know, The Secret says…” I could see everyone in the room try to unsuccessfully stifle an eye roll. But for awhile, I kind of didn’t care. Let them hate on whatever they want. I was striving for real changes and who were they to judge me?

But then someone dear to my heart said, “I see what you’re trying to do and I appreciate it. But you don’t need to keep talking about it.”

All kinds of hurt emotions began to run through me because wasn’t this the same person who always told me I was being negative? Wasn’t this the same person who was continually telling me to focus on the positive? Wasn’t this the same individual who told me I need a distraction? That I need some new, positive people in my life?

Then I jumped to, “And this is what’s wrong with America.” When people try to better themselves, they’re incessantly met with oppression. (Sorry guys, I’m a social worker; I always go there.)

I guess what hurt me is that I was trying to “fix my problems” and no one was giving me props. I felt like I was repaving a lot of avenues in my life, in a really positive way, and no one seemed to notice or really even take it seriously. And even though these are things people complain about in regards to my character, they couldn’t even be mildly pleasant about the changes I was trying to make. It almost seemed like maybe they thought I was trying too hard.

And if I’m honest, I don’t know why, but that really bothered me.

Moral of the Crazy: The thing about The Secret, and really the power of positive thinking in general, is what you think is your business. It’s really more about changing your mindset and eradicating your negative thoughts. Because the universe doesn’t hear in negative. When you’re saying, “I don’t want to be so poor,” what the universe is hearing is “poor”, so it’s going to send you back more of that.

It’s really more about going from, “Oh my gosh, I have so much debt!” to “I’m thankful for all I have and you know what? I’ve definitely got some good things coming to me.”

There is also a lot about manifesting your future and things of that nature but that would take more of an expert to properly explain. (Or you could just read the book for all that information!) But it’s all really incredibly fascinating and if I’m honest, after I read the book and started seeing all these signs in my life that all of a sudden came together, it freaked me out in a good way.

Everyone, of course, has their own interpretation of everything but I really took away the power of positive thinking. And also, really taking a moment to just be grateful. I’ve started really taking some time for that every night, or when I’m just feeling overwhelmingly anxious. I take a few moments to go through all of my blessings, all of the things I really am thankful for. I make a little mental list and sometimes it relaxes me to the point that I actually fall asleep while I’m doing it. Kind of like counting sheep.

One of my girlfriends actually does this everyday on her social media in order to really stay positive on a daily basis. And in doing so, she’s become sort of insta-famous among her group of friends and people have reached out to her thanking her for what she’s doing. For the daily inspiration. It’ll be something like, “I’m thankful I got to FaceTime my niece and nephew,” or “I’m thankful I got to work out today.” Sometimes taking a second to do that can literally change your whole evening.

And you know what you’re putting into the universe when you do that, y’all? Positive vibes! And they keep coming right on back to you.

If you like to read, I highly recommend The Secret. It’s a quick, easy read and I swear it will change your life. And think positive thoughts, you guys, especially in this insane world we’re living in. Think positive thoughts about yourself, about others, about the world, about creating change. You need to be the change you want to see in the world and you need to start with yourself. Start with your own thoughts. Show yourself the love and positive that you so freely give away to everyone else.

Because you’re worth it.

Until next time, peace, love and light, lovely people.

You, and only you, are ultimately responsible for who you become and how happy you are. –Rachel Hollis
