You deserve love and you’ll get it. –Amy Poehler

I have been in an abusive relationship before and I don’t want to sound dramatic, but sometimes I’m still bothered by it. There are moments of weakness that I painfully entertain where I hear his voice in my head. While they are few and fleeting, those unattractive things are there: the insults about my weight and how I look. They say I “have a bird chest” or “horse teeth” and they instigate me buying expensive diet pills that speed up my already rapidly beating heart. They make me wear thicker makeup so that for just one day, I can be someone else. They make me drink Irish whiskey until my eyes wiggle and I stop asking questions.

Or sometimes, they make me ask my husband over and over again if he’s mad at me and why, because I can sense something is wrong by look on his perfect face. But listen, there is NEVER anything wrong; he is never angry at me, even when I ask him the same question one hundred times. All of this is in my head, a figment of my neurotic imagination, put in place by my explosive ex-boyfriend.

I am prefacing with this because I understand. I know what it’s like to be beaten down by things you can’t control. I know how it feels to be haunted by things that quite honestly, should have long since been resolved. I know what it’s like to be bothered by things that are meaningless, things that should no longer have any effect on you. It happens, friends. We’re only simple humans.

I spoke to the girl who was with my ex before I was and she said that some mornings, she still wakes up in a cold sweat, waiting for him to come through her door. For her, it has been a decade. Sometimes people leave marks on us that for whatever reason, just never go away. I spend every day in a domestic violence shelter, surrounded by women who both ennoble me and make my chest hurt. You can be proactive and do all the work in the world but sometimes, no matter how much you’ve hardened your heart, you still get that twinge every now and again.

But that is not what this was. What happened in this situation wasn’t a product of previous habitual abuse or a tendency to follow violence patterns. What happened didn’t happen because my friend was in a domestic violence situation and she was running from her sordid past. It didn’t happen because she was scared and tormented. What happened was, she saw an opportunity that she could wriggle into and benefit from. She would have a nice, comfortable life filled with BMWs and expensive, steakhouse dinners. She would be able to rise above the alleged hand she was given and walk proudly in those $1200 Christian Louboutins. And suddenly, all of the other stuff in her life no longer mattered. It just fell away.

Change is the law of life; and those who only look to the past or present are certain to miss the future. –John Fitzgerald Kennedy

What infuriates me the absolute most about all of this, what drives me the most to just walk away from her is the fact that she just slapped on some MAC Plush Gloss and called it love. Literally, the first words out of her mouth were, “I don’t want to brag, but he has a BMW.” Yes, a BMW, and a shitty attitude. 

I understand, guy: you’re under 35 and have a salary that is purportedly over 250 grand a year. But listen, no one cares about any of that when you’re miserable and impossible to be around. No one is looking at your billfold when you’re treating your girlfriend like garbage. He was such an overcompensating ass.

So what happened was, while she sat there and proclaimed that she was scared, shaken, and unable to commit to any sort of relationship (which would have been completely justifiable), she was out gallivanting around Tampa in the aforementioned BMW under the pretense of love. Yes, love. Love and permission to bang her way to the top and be classy about it, all while never working again. 

Who was this woman? This woman who used to drink whiskey with me and supposedly aspired to be a doctor? This woman who, despite all that’s happened since, I still believe to be one of the most beautiful women I have personally ever seen? Suddenly she was all about going to fancy dinners and cleansing her body to ready it for her soon-to-be half Communist child. I hate to come to this realization but she had just traded everything for a little bit of money. And not even enough to be really memorable. Like seriously, if I had to hear about “how gorgeous” that goddamn ring was one. more. time. 

Go ahead and cue the Kanye.

What absolutely infuriates me is that this person I thought I knew had morphed into someone who saw an opportunity (cha-ching) and was willing to become an actual baby farm if it meant she could lead a cushy, unemployed life. And before you label me a slanderous, bitter frenemy, I can totally explain. 

The previous two installments of this saga chronicled our friendship, which I now know was obviously not as legitimate of one as I thought, and the way she turned all of this around on me. She tricked me into feeling sorry for her, let me build her up to an innocent guy who came to genuinely like her, and then cried helplessly in my arms, all before telling me in so many words that I had pushed her; that she was nowhere ready for a relationship. Oh, and she told me that my sauce tasted bland, which was A, total bullshit, and B, is cardinal Italian sin Number one.

So she turns all of this around on me, because you know, I was apparently a friend of low caliber. Always cooking her amazing dinners, supplying her with midrange Irish whiskey and letting her cry like an enormous breasted infant on my shoulder. Jesus Christ, look at me: so selfish, right?

She made me feel so guilty (and there are residual effects of this; it hasn’t worn off) and all the while, she is out, forcing a shitty relationship with some moderately rich guy. And then, when she wants me to like him and throw his money in my face, I’m supposed to just forget the last few months of pathetic (although somewhat justified) crying and binge drinking and just welcome him into my life? Like everything is supposed to be all bread and roses?


Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. –Barack Obama

Moral of the Crazy: This isn’t about her boyfriend, turned baby daddy, now husband out of alleged convenience, although he is a selfish, abusive, overgrown man child. This isn’t about her being apparently money hungry (as of late, I think…) and choosing a Gucci bag over her only decent friendship. This isn’t about her putting up with soap opera quality drama in order to keep her nearly three karat diamond ring. This is about her being incessantly uncaring and assuming that everyone will always take her side because she was born this beautiful, tortured victim. 

You can go ahead and cue the Kanye again.

Because you see, I don’t like that. I don’t appreciate being roped in against my will. I don’t appreciate having my limited time on this earth wasted by someone who knowingly and intentionally took full advantage of me. I don’t like labeling someone as my best friend, and then treating them respectfully as such, just to be trampled all over, ignored, and blatantly disrespected. I ain’t about that life, friends.

I just think the whole way that all of this went down is unsatisfactory. To be honest, she has contacted me a couple of times, although it took her awhile, to no avail. The truth is that I have run out of things to say to her. I am angry and I feel as though any response I give her will convey that, and only that. I won’t have any response other than a cold, sarcastic quip about how terribly she treated me the last few months of our friendship. Not to mention the fact that her most recent email was very passive aggressive, implicitly putting more blame on me than it did on her. (Because God forbid, right?) And I don’t find that to be fair in the slightest. It’s like, the moment she feels the need to getting around to talking to me, I’m supposed to just drop everything to talk to her? Because she just now realized that she destroyed the only real friendship she’s ever had?

And to be fair, that is the way our friendship has always been. She would blow me off for as long as she felt like and then I would jump the moment she called. And while that has been the predominant dynamic of our relationship, I still don’t appreciate it.

Sometimes it’s the smallest decisions that can change your life forever. –Keri Russell

There was one instance where she called me, all upset, kind of demanding that I meet with her. As per my usual standard with my friends, and her more especially, I dropped everything to meet with her. She was an hour late because of a mix-up, pushed her food around on her plate, and then rushed me off when her asshole boyfriend/baby daddy/fiancé said he wanted to meet up with her. (Long story short: he wanted to meet with her so desperately because he had just dumped her and threatened her life. He’s a scary son of a bitch.)

After that, she disappeared off the face of the earth for two goddamn weeks. I texted her nearly every day, I called her and stalked her Facebook and Tumblr accounts because I was so worried. I even Googled this bitch to see if she was dead! Came this close to calling her elderly father to see if he had heard from her because I was that concerned. And for what?

For her to text me after two weeks to say that she hadn’t been feeling well. I’m sorry, but if she is going to claim that she didn’t even glance at her phone once in those two weeks, she is not being honest. I mean, especially given how controlling her boyfriend/now husband is, I highly doubt that she didn’t look at her phone for two weeks straight. And also, not to sound bitter, but whenever she was with me, her phone was always right beside her so she could stay current with phone calls and text messages. But yet, she was neglecting her phone for two entire weeks? I highly, highly doubt that very much.

And it’s like, I Googled her to see if this crazy person had lost his shit and killed her! I just want to reiterate that point to express how worried I was, especially given her absolutely chaotic relationship with her boyfriend, and the multitude of things she had told me about him. I was so floored when all she had to say in response to my collection of questions and Alex Forrest phone calls was, “I haven’t been feeling well.”


Then a few days after that, she texted me a photo of the sonogram with the caption, “It’s a girl!” I didn’t respond for a few days because, well, I just couldn’t. What could I say? As with every aspect of our friendship, I was expected to just DROP EVERYTHING, congratulate her on her illegitimate child with her allegedly violent, controlling boyfriend and show my excitement for the days ahead. Is that a fucking joke?
So I waited a few days because I was angry and couldn’t formulate a sentence without the word “fuck” in it. (I’m German and Italian. My angry emotions are very cold ones.) And when I did respond back to her (after I had calmed down a bit), she told me I was insensitive for waiting so long. She claimed that this was something so super personal and important to her, time sensitive and exciting; that no matter how angry I was at her (and she clearly knew that I was by the read receipt on her sent text message), that picture message merited a response.

Maybe she has a valid point in that because if I’m being completely honest with myself, if the situation were reversed, I would probably be hurt. But on that note, I also would never blow someone off for two weeks. That is just ludicrous. 

I have a lot of mixed emotions in regards to this though, because a huge part of me hates that I’ve lost her. A close friend of mine gently remarked that I have this tendency to get abnormally close to people too quickly and that maybe this is why I get hurt by people I’ve labeled “best friends” all the time. She may or may not be correct in her assumption but regardless, this situation was different. 

This woman and I were best friends. We were very, genuinely close. I felt at home with her because she was one of the few people who understood me. She got my obsession with old music and she would smile whenever an old Coltrane song came on. Even though she listened to hard rock and terrible metal, she accepted me and put up with my controlling music tendencies. She told me (ironically enough) that all my friends were emotional vampires, draining the life out of me and taking advantage of me. She told me that I put up with too much shit, but she loved me for being so sensitive. It was a complicated, true friendship.

I’m sad because of how she treated me and the events that transpired but I’m sadder that I lost her. I’m glad that I no longer have to stress about this because all I have to do is ignore her email, but I’m melancholy when I think about how close we used to be. 

I listen to Amy Winehouse sometimes, late at night, and think that I could easily fix this. I could call her up and discuss what happened, make her an Italian dinner and smile as she caught me up on her crazy fucking life.

But why?

To be pushed aside and neglected again? To be reminded of how cold, stubborn and uncaring I’ve been as of late? To be persuaded into apologizing for something that is seriously one hundred percent her fault?
I miss her, so much I try not to even think about it, but I almost find this a blessing. May I learn not to be taken advantage of; may she learn to take better care of her friends. May she have a happy life and enjoy motherhood. May her husband learn how to treat her with the respect that she deserves. May she still love me, despite it all and know that like her, I had my own choice to make. 

May we both remember to be kind to others, but above all, be kindest to ourselves. 

Things do not change; we change. –Henry David Thoreau
