Would I cheat to save my soul? No. But to save my GPA? Yes. –Julie Anne Peters

When I was ten, I lived on this tiny island on the southern tip of Florida. I went to this well funded elementary school and somehow started attending these group sessions with the school social worker. The sessions were meant to be used as a forum for children from broken homes to vent their feelings and frustrations.

I wasn’t one of those children because obviously, my parents just celebrated their thirty-eighth wedding anniversary. I mostly just went for the excused time from class and free breakfast. I never could say no to breakfast, free or otherwise…

Anyway, from a young age, I started to notice that everyone was divorced. I mean, everyone. It didn’t matter the couple. One, or both of them had cheated at one point or another and the marriage just dissolved. It was just like, normal behavior to cheat on your significant other. It was glamorous and trendy. And friends, that trend has apparently never gone out of style.

The idea of adultery is like a soccer ball. Yeah, you might kick it around for awhile, but if you actually wind up scoring, you get slapped with a huge penalty. –Jarod Kintz

I know this couple who has engaged in this kind of behavior for actual years. Lies, betrayal, and illicit affairs became commonplace within their relationship and it wasn’t long before they were both living double lives, completely separate from each other.

The gentleman, still relatively classy despite his promiscuous nature, had virtually incalculable women in his life. He literally couldn’t go anywhere without bumping into someone he was at least mildly intimately acquainted with. He was popular, so to speak, and he had a variety of personalities to keep his women satisfied.

Similarly, with his legally bound counterpart, she was gorgeous and well dressed. You would never even know she had children because her body was unfairly resilient. She was charming, a free spirit, someone with a cute sense of humor, a huge diamond engagement ring, and a boyfriend for each day of the weekend. I guess she just figured, if he was going to do whatever he wanted, then she would too.

Although it doesn’t seem like something that can be so easily rationalized, maybe there is something to be said about the attention gained in these situations. (I don’t want to geek myself out right now but I’m pretty sure it was Carmen Electra who said that life wasn’t worth living unless there was a camera around… You guys have seen her, right? She’s doing something right.) Perhaps the glamor lies within the thoughtfulness and regard given to you by another person. And after years of being hoodwinked and ignored by someone you’re legally bound to, it’s comforting to know that you’re on the mind of someone else.

I feel like a traitor, a phony, a fake. But I am a hypocrite with the best intentions and I need kissing desperately. –Coco J. Ginger

But as for the cheating husband, well, besides the obvious benefits, I think he found solace in the fact that with each new woman, he could start fresh. He could be a new person free of whatever flaws his previous mistress undoubtedly found out. He had a clean slate with each new (and clearly, pretty dumb) broad.

He was, needless to say, pretty goddamn romantically challenged. And selfish.

But is that all life is about? Getting bored with your significant other, finding some cheap hooker to blindside and feel sorry for you, all so you can just stay with your wife? Because at the end of the day, she’s your favorite? Because after years of lying and cheating, you realize that she really is your soul mate? Because despite all the kinky desired threesomes, double lives, and promises to change, you realize that she’s the only one who truly knows you? The only one who really, genuinely loves you? Why not just skip a step and do something exotic, that I probably don’t want to think about, since you’re just going to run home anyway…?

Tell me this isn’t real life. Tell me that people don’t just cheat to gain a little mojo, a little attention, just to go back to their spouses because inevitably, no one else understands them.

Sullen, bitter little harlots. Tartly, lying little twits.

What I don’t get though is if all you want is to be incessantly up to your ears in stewardess’ and floozy book publishers, why, in God’s polluted earth, are you in a serious, committed relationship? It just seems super menacing and pointless.

All good is hard. All evil is easy. Dying, losing, cheating, and mediocrity is easy. Stay away from easy. –Scott Alexander

I have this other friend who is in a similar situation. He’s married, by the strictest legal definition, but he’s in this other, seemingly sensual and supportive relationship with another woman. A woman who obviously isn’t his wife.

He is constantly bitching and moaning about how condescending and domineering his allegedly bitchy wife is. He claims to have only married her because it was the next natural step. And now, she’s supposedly done so much damage to his delicate male psyche that he’s too scared to leave, despite how unhappy he is. And also, despite how purportedly miserable she is. I guess it’s just easier to sneak around, send sext messages, and make up fake people to hang out with.

So in this case, is the cheating Don Draper drunkenly banging his young, skeazy secretary considered glamorous or a safe haven? Because listen, there’s a pretty big difference between getting drunk after celebrating the win of a CLIO award and pity banging a semi attractive 21 year old, and being emotionally and mentally abused by your wife to the point of allegedly accidental infidelity. Pretty big difference.

But regardless of the situation, regardless of the insensitive, unthinking individuals, what is it about cheating that is so glamorous? I mean, I’ve often heard people say things like, “Sneaking around is sexy” (Pete, 30 Rock) and “I get from my mistress what I can’t get at home” (Paul, Analyze This) but I still don’t get it. Why not just be single and mingle with whatever slutty, poorly accessorized lady you want? Isn’t that just all the more glamorous? Spending all your money on Armani suits and rare Irish whiskies rather than on whiny, little live-ins who have a sick obsession with the Express Portofino shirt? (Seriously though, those shirts are just perfect on my frame. I have about eight of them. Not joking.)

Moral of the Crazy: Okay look, I don’t want to claim to know anything about romantic relationships because the only successful one I’ve ever had or witnessed is obviously, my current one. But the reality of it is, people are warped. They won’t download music illegally but they’ll cheat on their wives. They won’t eat fast food because of a possible subsequent heart attack but they’ll endure the stupid stress of living a double life. They buy the off brand of everything to save money but will buy extravagant dinners and gifts for their extramarital associates.

They’re against all sorts of things because of bullshit moral obligations, yet they so easily disregard the one person who is supposed to mean the most to them. They want to be formidable people but they’re okay with destroying the people they’re supposed to care about the most.

It’s not glamorous. It’s time consuming, stressful, regrettable, and usually not worth it. Because unless they’re Eddie Cibrian, they never leave their wives. (And if they did, why would you want to be with them anyway? Because let’s be real: they obviously don’t put a lot of stock into the institute of marriage.)

It only feels glamorous because you’re living outside yourself. Engaging in inappropriate behavior that you can go home and forget about, behavior that’s totally uncharacteristic of your normal personality. So do yourself a solid: grow up, get over yourself, and buy yourself a Sting Ray Corvette.

Because the only thing glamorous about all of this is how great your ex is going to look when she walks out of the courthouse with your alimony check…

I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating. –Sophocles   
