For beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness. - Audrey Hepburn

Photo Cred: Christie Bishop Photo Edit: The Crazy Face
As much as I love Kanye, that boy is always running his mouth. Since his first arrival on scene, it seems as though he has never had anything good to say about anyone, despite having since fallen into a Kardashian induced coma. But although I could probably write literally umpteen paragraphs about Kanye West, that's not what this blog is about. (Sorry guys, I'm a little bummed myself.)

One of the phrases that I have very earnestly tried to live by is: Be kind to people. You never know what they're going through. So naturally, you can imagine my dismay when I find out how disheartening people tend to be. As if they've earned the right and can thereby talk down to whomever they choose for God knows what reason.

Personally, I don't understand the capacity people carry to want to intentionally hurt someone's feelings. Are they so darkly veiled in their own web of darkness that they have to discourage others in order to lift themselves up? Tell me, friends: What good can come of such poisonous behavior? And who in their sane mind would actually WANT to endure such slander? I mean, masochists maybe. But keep all that naughty torture restricted to bedroom activities! Or at least an inappropriate high school AIM chats...

Lately, I have found that a lot of nasty insults are so easily thrown around. And while I've obviously witnessed said brutal defamation uttered by both men and women, it seems to be the alleged "fairer sex" that partakes in the mudslinging most often.

Although in my day, I flung more than my fair share of insults at my frenemies and arch nemeses, I have since learned that such scandal is never deemed classy. (Truly, when did you ever see Jackie Kennedy say anything vulgar in direction towards another person?) But really, just ask any sleazeball paparazzi! I get frustrated when I hear people demeaned simply because the insulter is on her standard friend of the month rotation. Personally, I never thought you were that cute to begin with but with that attitude? The boys will surely NOT be coming arunnin'. (And yes, I see that in its own way, that's an insult. But hey- I'm a work in progress. Not Mother Theresa!)

The truth is, I have this friend who put all her faith into another mutual friend. (More like acquaintance, actually.) Anyway, these two ladies became besties and it wasn't long before they did EVERYTHING together. To the point where it actually became annoying (in a cute way) and I was even a little bit jealous. (Even though MY best friend is far superior to anyone who has ever existed on this planet. My sexy husband even likes her and he hates everyone! But I digress...)

Anyway, my friend went through something of a romantic struggle and suddenly the aforementioned bestie turned on her and committed the ultimate betrayal. (And that, friends, I'll reserve for another blog...) But needless to say, this turmoil became the stories murmured over our Starbucks cups. Pretty soon, they were enemies and bless my girl's heart, she tirelessly tried to eliminate herself from the drama that ensued but those insults just kept right on coming.

Now, you all know how possessive I can be about my friends because we've discussed it before. But the instigating and degrading just doesn't make sense to me. In the words of my Chicago born mother, "If you don't have anything nice to say, keep your dirty trap shut." It's just proper etiquette. I mean, I realize that in some dirty regions of America, the parents don't teach that but come on. Pick up a Cosmo and try to read more than the tips regarding the horizontal mambo...

Moral of the Crazy: Try not to pull a Kanye. Because primarily most of the vernacular spewed from his lips is oftentimes deemed tasteless and obscene, imagine if it wasn't coming from a sometimes loved rapper. I think the criticism will fall down harder on someone lacking their own clothing line and Armenian eye candy on their arm. And although I don't offer accredited advice, I can assure you that no one ever got anywhere being an unkind wench with only negative things to say.

"Kindness is always fashionable." -Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr
